Justified by Faith. The intriguing story of Giulia Gonzaga, Countess of Fondi

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Justified by Faith. The intriguing story of Giulia Gonzaga, Countess of Fondi

Tommaso Avallone


Stampato (A5, 108 pp., interno bianco usomano 100 gr., copertina 300 gr. plastificaz. opaca, brossura): ISBN 9788833465258

eBook (epub & mobi): ISBN 9788833465289

For centuries, the life-story of Giulia Gonzaga was treated as the fable of a damsel in distress. Truly, the Countess of Fondi was a key figure in the Italian Protestant Movement. The profound devoutness of a young and well-educated woman; the intrigues of the Italian aristocracy of the day; and the relentless witch-hunt of the Roman and Spanish Inquisition are among the pieces that form the extraordinary mosaic of Giulia Gonzaga’s true story.

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