Loretta Ellen Brady

Loretta Ellen Brady, an enchanting American author, left an enduring legacy with her beloved collection, ‘The Green Forest Fairy Book,’ published in 1920. Her tales of wonder and magic have captured the hearts of children and adults alike, transcending generations.

Loretta’s stories transport readers to whimsical realms, where imagination knows no bounds. Her ability to infuse magic into the everyday is evident in her Halloween tale, ‘A Tale for Halloween,’ where two underprivileged children discover the enchantment of the holiday.

A heartwarming touch to her legacy lies in the dedication of her book to the children of Little Jim Ward’s San Francisco Children’s Hospital, a testament to her compassion and love for young minds.

Through her timeless fairy tales, Loretta Ellen Brady continues to kindle the spark of wonder and curiosity in readers worldwide. Explore her captivating narratives, and you’ll find yourself lost in a world where dreams come true.

A Tale for Halloween

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A Tale for Halloween

Loretta Ellen Brady


ISBN eBook: 9788833460666

A Tale For Halloween by Loretta Ellen Brady is the perfect way for young children to cherish the magic of Halloween. Dancing pumpkins, vegetables, good luck witches… enjoy this great Halloween classic with your children.


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